Sunday 26 September 2010

Greece - Out and About

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Greece - Isand Life

The view from our sun loungers - during the day and at sunset (I've included my toes as proof of this pic's authenticity)

We stayed in Panormas on Skopelos island (Sporadic Isands)... George having breakfast on the "stoep of our apartment, the view from the apartment "stoep" and the pebble beach.... I counted about fifty steps from the stoep to the beach...

George found these beautiful sea urchins while of my favourite mornings was taking the kayak and exploring a stretch of the coastline to the next village...there's that beautiful sunset again...
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Greece - Friends

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Our recent holiday in Greece...special times spent with friends, standing in awe of history while being surrounded by ancient ruins, walking through picturesque villages and experiencing natural beauty
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